Monday, October 3, 2011

Foreign Affairs

This post is a relatively short post, because the message is simple.

Focus on America and less on the rest of the world.

Notice I said "less" I didn't say stop focusing or listening to the rest of the world, but focus all this attention fighting terrorism abroad to fighting hunger, illiteracy, homelessness, joblessness, and more of our country's problems.

We need to help ourselves before trying to help the rest of the world.  Also there needs to be even bigger punishments for companies that are outsourcing American jobs overseas.  Nothing like having your job be pulled out from under you to have it sent overseas.  Nothing like trying to get tech help for an American product when the tech person's accent is so thick you can't understand what they are saying.  If people from outside America want to have American jobs, let them come here and become an American citizen and then get chosen over me in an interview.  At least then I'll know my job will be going to an American.

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